Thursday, March 11, 2010

Auctions Part II Hess Auctions

Hess auction..the auction house in an old barn!

A while back I talked about one of my favorite places to go for good junk pickin! Here's another favorite auction that I go to for pickin junk! Hess auctions which is actually very close to my's funny, there's about 4 auction houses within 30 min of my house. Do I not live in the best place ever! Anyway, what I LOVE about Hess auctions are their wagon box lots. I LOVE box lots and they have some of the best around. A box lot is basically this, you look through a box with things in it and you bid on the box when it comes up for auction. Hess will get tricky with their box lots because what they do is make you bid for first choice on boxes. So, out of 20 box lots highest bidder gets first pick. Sometimes I lose out on a box this way as I like to only bid when boxes get down to like a dollar or so. Cheap bitch I be!

Wagon box lots!!! Look at all those hidden treasures! People checking out the boxes before the auction begins. You have to be really good at remembering what box has what you want in it. It also helps to be tall...since I am short, I have to get a little shovey to get a place in the front. You also have to be careful as some dealers will get sneaky and take out things they want and put it in a box that no one would bid on...the old switcharoo! This auction house is very high tech... they even use a tractor to back the wagons into place for bidding. Remember, I live out here in Amish Country.

I bought this box lot below for $10,I really wanted those glasses... I didn't know if they would be all there and unbroken...

When I got home I was happy to find they were in great shape!!!

Here are some other gems I've found in box lots......

These things I found inside on tray lots...Hess auction also sells things inside too! I really need to clone myself or find an auction buddy.

Now, guess where I'm gonna be bright and early Sat. morning.....I'm like the mail carrier.....neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet will keep me from checkin out wagon box lots!


  1. I'm glad that I'm not the only one that's getting auction fever! My favorite are estate auctions held at the owner's home - especially when the house is for sale and people can walk through it!

  2. Me too Micheal! I fall in love with sooo many untouched houses to only know they will get sold, touched and ripped apart!

  3. I haven't been to an auction since I moved to Indiana and I know I'm missing out on some killer stuff.

  4. I've never been to an auction. You now have me very intrigued.

  5. Ara - they're very addicting! (and you can fill up your house with stuff before you even know what happened)

  6. wow! i LOVE all the things you found!!! we have alot of auctions here too.. but whenever I go to one..things go sooooo high!

  7. Im not a huge fan on the auctions, but then again Iv never really gone to a "GOOD" one lol When the lady next door passed away, there no telling how much I spent on the "choice" to get these cups, and concrete lawn animals. with a ton of other stuff! I do like the rush of winning though haha!

  8. I wish there were things like that where I live. This 'could be' Amish country (it looks very like that!), but sadly, no nice old clapperboard barns full of goodies for little ol' me :( Poor Pads...

  9. You are so lucky that you have good auction houses there. The ones here are lame!! I love the red girlie glasses you got!

  10. Those glasses are great! And that auction house looks awesome... I need to go to one of those! Looks like a lot of fun...

  11. Gosh all of your finds are swell, you are so lucky to live in such a great area for auctions.

    I adore the red pin up glass and those glasses you first mentioned are stunning.


    Please do teach us to be as awesome auctioners in are home towns as you are!

  12. I want to go to a box lot! We have nothing like that over here, though i must start going to more auctions i think.
    Great glasses! xx

  13. How fantastic! And those Calypso glasses -- I have the decanter! I never even thought there were glasses that matched. If you want the decanter, let me know and I'll send it to you... (fingers crossed it gets to you in one piece!)

  14. OMG! I have the decanter too! Seems like the glasses are the real score- good buy!

  15. There's a decanter??? Who my gosh...something else for me to search for now!

    Sparkleneely, we might be able to work a trade into the deal??? Though I do fear the postman!

  16. I know, me too. :) But I don't use it, and would love to get it back to its friends. let's "talk"!
