Tuesday Eve.
Dear Fran:
Well it looks like we must go back to the time when we first started going together, when we would write to each other twice a week, and I would come see you once a week. In other words the girls have decided to stay down in York, so no car, no dates. So get your pencil sharpened and lets hear from you. I don't know what they are going to do about the weekends, so I don't know when I will see you. But if you see a shadow walking around New Ox. don't be scared, it will be me. I should make a good stand in for the Thin Man in a few weeks.
I have been thinking about what you said the other night about us and the 16th. And the way things are I would like to wait for awhile. So lets not make plans yet.
Well not much more to say, and it's getting late, so will close.
Well it looks like we must go back to the time when we first started going together, when we would write to each other twice a week, and I would come see you once a week. In other words the girls have decided to stay down in York, so no car, no dates. So get your pencil sharpened and lets hear from you. I don't know what they are going to do about the weekends, so I don't know when I will see you. But if you see a shadow walking around New Ox. don't be scared, it will be me. I should make a good stand in for the Thin Man in a few weeks.
I have been thinking about what you said the other night about us and the 16th. And the way things are I would like to wait for awhile. So lets not make plans yet.
Well not much more to say, and it's getting late, so will close.


February 28, 1942
Thursday Eve.
Dear Fran:
I will admit, I had it coming no doubt about it, only you should have given it to me, more then what you did. I should have my teeth kicked in, and if you will forgive me I will crawl, and I mean crawl from here to N. Ox., and be proud to have you do it.
Every day that went by since I got your first letter, I kept thinking and knowing that I should write and give you some explanation, but I kept putting it off, and kidding myself until it's at such a late date I feel that perhaps it might be to late.
I don't see how or why you put up with me, when I act like I do. You never once treated me like I do you. Every thing that doesn't go according to my plans, I quickly show my sweet disposition, and take it out on you when I know all the time deep down inside that I am wrong, and you are always right. Then I'm not man enough to admit it. But lately I found out you can't kid your conscious.
As for our wedding day, I didn't change it just for spite or to try and hurt you. I still want it in April, and I still want you just as much if not more, now then ever. I wasn't thinking of how much trouble it would make or the way conditions are, I was really thinking about you honey, and the things I would have to ask you to do, also the things you would have to do without, so that we could make a living the way I want us to live, and I never even asked if you might like to live that way. I've been thinking it over for the last few days, and if you will still have me, I want to take a chance on it, even if I only have you for a night or a week, or what ever it may be, it will be the biggest and the best that ever happened to me. And if we live together for a thousand years it will still scare me. I don't mean you, it's the idea of me trying to take care of you. So how about seeing you Sat. night? I will call you up in the morning, and if you aren't busy I will come over.
Must close now and hit the hay, it's only one o'clock Friday morning.
I will admit, I had it coming no doubt about it, only you should have given it to me, more then what you did. I should have my teeth kicked in, and if you will forgive me I will crawl, and I mean crawl from here to N. Ox., and be proud to have you do it.
Every day that went by since I got your first letter, I kept thinking and knowing that I should write and give you some explanation, but I kept putting it off, and kidding myself until it's at such a late date I feel that perhaps it might be to late.
I don't see how or why you put up with me, when I act like I do. You never once treated me like I do you. Every thing that doesn't go according to my plans, I quickly show my sweet disposition, and take it out on you when I know all the time deep down inside that I am wrong, and you are always right. Then I'm not man enough to admit it. But lately I found out you can't kid your conscious.
As for our wedding day, I didn't change it just for spite or to try and hurt you. I still want it in April, and I still want you just as much if not more, now then ever. I wasn't thinking of how much trouble it would make or the way conditions are, I was really thinking about you honey, and the things I would have to ask you to do, also the things you would have to do without, so that we could make a living the way I want us to live, and I never even asked if you might like to live that way. I've been thinking it over for the last few days, and if you will still have me, I want to take a chance on it, even if I only have you for a night or a week, or what ever it may be, it will be the biggest and the best that ever happened to me. And if we live together for a thousand years it will still scare me. I don't mean you, it's the idea of me trying to take care of you. So how about seeing you Sat. night? I will call you up in the morning, and if you aren't busy I will come over.
Must close now and hit the hay, it's only one o'clock Friday morning.
Does this mean that you've transcribed ALL the letters?!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad George finally found some sense! Apparently men are all the same regardless of what decade they are living in!
ReplyDeleteYes, over the last year on my blog, I have posted all the letters that my grandfather George wrote to my grandmother Fran when they began dating. I did this so my family would be able to share in the letters too. What I discovered with putting the letters on my blog was that not only did my family enjoy reading them but also my regular blog readers! Which is just the inspiration I needed to keep going...now I have one letter left!
Only one letter left??? Oh but I so enjoy reading these!
ReplyDeleteRuby...isn't that the truth! Humans sure don't change mush in that way do we?
ReplyDeleteStephanie...yup and it's really not even a letter!
No! I love these letters. How canthere be no more :(
ReplyDeleteOMG that is absolutely priceless. Priceless. (((Sugar Mist)))) I want some for me!!!
ReplyDeleteI was given my grandmothers engagement ring when she was too old and shall I say "demented" to hold onto it any longer. How I cherished that ring. She was wed in the 1920's. I was crushed when our home was burglarized and they stole it!!! along with my engagement ring.
What a love story!!!