I put the glider over in a semi shady spot so Sgt and I can sit with a cup of tea and watch the chickens meandering around scratching for bugs. I also picked up a few old Coronet magazines. I think I'll save reading them for a nice warm Spring day, as the weather has decided to turn a bit to chilly and windy for my liking. My Spring garden however, is loving the colder temps!

A few of my other vintage gliders I've shown here on the blog over the years...
This is a late 1930's Bunting Glider that I found in 2003. I paid $1 for it at and estate auction around the block from my house. I waited all day for them to sell this glider, it was one of the last things that they sold. It had the original cushions with it but I'm sorry to say they weren't in the best of condition :( I do however plan on someday having the cushions re-made so at least I have pictures to go on! I doubt I can ever get a glider like this again for a dollar at an auction....maybe for $5 but never $1.
Then there is of course my shabby chic back porch glider from 2011...

It didn't come with all the cushions, it was just a chippy little two seater glider that needs a new paint job. I put on a cute set of bark cloth cushions I had laying around for a little extra softness!