You were an amazing time of year for me once again. I can always count on Summer to re-energize my spirit and send me off in new creative directions. No other season gives me the wonderful mental boost quite like Summer does. Summer I will miss you!

I road my bike!

I fell in love with a few tractors.

I lost something I will never be able to replace.
He was the best thing that has ever happened in my life.

I bought stuff I didn't need just for fun!

I glowed...I nested....I rested....I met new friends...I hung out with old friends...I spent time with myself....I licked my wounds and healed my soul just a bit more...I spent time with my family.... I gave and got lots of hugs...I let go...I laughed more than I cried (even though I cried for days)... I remembered how to love...I grieved my losses...I proclaimed that all this me time is absolutely awesome...I got a new nickname from a special fella....I jumped through flaming hoops of fire...(okay just kidding I didn't really do that)...I did however start running again (slow like a turtle but I'm moving so who cares turtles are cute!)
Thank you Summer you came along just when I needed you! See ya next year Summer!!