I'm still here and life is good...

I'm back to being me! Actually I'm the new improved version of me. I'm like the bionic woman of sorts....stronger, wiser, happier, healthier...ya know just better!
I'm not going to question how the universe works. It gives bad things and it gives truly amazing things. I have learned a valuable lesson: do not allow crappy people into your life, ever. Damaged people cause damage!!! Avoid them at all costs!

This fella here is quite amazing. Thank you universe for allowing our paths to cross again after so many years of our paths not crossing. Pretty cool stuff here universe.

We also have a new project...one of many projects! Her name is Cookie..she will live again, I have no doubt about it. Beep Beep! One of the many fine qualities my fella has...he likes projects and just like me, he likes to save old stuff..because old stuff, has always been way cooler than new stuff.