I don't know about you, but I'm a BIG fan of vintage afghans! You can find a vintage afghan in just about any thrift store out there, in all sorts of colors and designs, from all different decades. Yup, it dosen't matter what decade, somewhere, some one was knitting or crocheting an afghan! I usually snag mine up when I see them out and about at various estate auctions. I can never afford to drop $200 on a quilt or $80 on a chenille blanket, but I've always been able to afford a colorful fun granny afghan! I think no matter where you live, you should be able to find a basic vintage afghan at a reasonable price. So, my advice is to go buy them now, while there's not a huge competition for them and a healthy inventory out there!
This weekend, I attended an auction where I was lucky enough to acquire 3 beautifully made vintage afghans. They were under a table, tucked away in old department store boxes and smelled like a cedar closet! These afghans have been carefully cared for. I wish I knew more about the afghans. The one on top left corner is extremely old...I'm guessing 1930's perhaps. The others I'm assuming were from the 1940's and 1950's. They are all extremely well made. No one wanted them. The ladies were all going crazy for the box lots on top of the table and could have cared less for the colorful afghans under the table. It always amazes me what's hot at auctions and what big time dealers are buying to bring to their clientele. Here's a hint....it's not afghans!

This auction had a HUGE selection of very cool mid-century items. The prices were going high! This husband and wife kept everything
and some of it was NOS! It was a really fun auction to be at. (You learn a lot just by watching and seeing what things are selling for and what people are buying) She had
lucite purses, bakelite, vintage dresses, vintage ties, bark cloth
fabric, the list goes on. Not a lot of MCM things, but basic things that
everyday people used in that time period. It always blows my mind to
think that there are still elderly people living in the original homes
they bought 60 years ago who still live with the original items they purchased 60 years ago. I love old people who still live in a time capsule....I wish I could just hang out in their houses and look at all their stuff while they tell me stories about their life.
This is what happens when you leave your boxes unattended in the house for a few minutes around here. A box squatter moves in.
Happy Sunday!