The parking lot plant auction was a success and I came home with a car load of perennials and annuals. Nothing says crazy plant lady as much as waking up at 4:30 am to be at the greenhouse parking lot by 5:15 am. And before you ask, yes there were already other crazy plant people there waiting. Mom and I stood in line with our carts discussing our plan of attack. By the time 6:00 am rolled around, the line of other crazy plant people had grown significantly and the line wove it's way up the parking lot. At 6:00 am we all made a mad dash to the perennial section and loaded up as much as we could get on our carts. We then paid, loaded up our cars, and went back for seconds! By 7:00 am, Mom and I were at the local diner having our parking lot plant sale post breakfast!

This year, I've decided to spend some time working in and around the back porch of the house. All of the plants I've gotten at the sale, I've used on and around the back area of the house. I've been working on making plant beds around the porch area that wrap around the side of the house. I'll have to take some pictures of my progress there! I've been doing lots of digging and moving dirt around and still have a ways to go yet. I plan on adding more perennials to this area at the end of Summer when the green houses sell off more of their stock at cheap prices.

It's fun to see the changes that we have been making on our little acre of land over the last two years. Gardening and landscaping is something that both Sgt and I share a passion for. There are still a few Summer projects that we would like to accomplish this year.... an earth oven and a fenced barn yard are left on our list yet to take care of. We'll see if we have the time and energy to get those projects knocked out before Fall rolls around.