Now, if you have been a faithful DeluxeVille reader, you will remember my first visit to the store back in 2009...The Gatchellville Store Adventure, yeah I know my post titles are so original! Well, I'm happy to report it's gotten even better! I didn't think it was possible...they proved me wrong!

"With over 6000 square feet, The Gatchellville Store has a bit of something for everyone.
Created by husband and wife, Carroll Swam and Linda Sarubin, and combining their vastly different collecting tastes, ( his, country..and hers, city ), the store is the kind of place you can lose yourself in for hours at a time, just wandering among the thousands of interesting items.
Country furniture, vi...ntage musical instruments, old books, unusual ephemera, pottery, advertising...the town's old post office, circa 1900, is filled with Carroll's impressive collection of antiques tools.
Created by husband and wife, Carroll Swam and Linda Sarubin, and combining their vastly different collecting tastes, ( his, country..and hers, city ), the store is the kind of place you can lose yourself in for hours at a time, just wandering among the thousands of interesting items.
Country furniture, vi...ntage musical instruments, old books, unusual ephemera, pottery, advertising...the town's old post office, circa 1900, is filled with Carroll's impressive collection of antiques tools.
Linda's interests run towards jewelry, textiles, and a world class collection of thousands and thousands of vintage and antique buttons. Circa 1850 - 1950.
Two little dogs sit in thrones in the center of the store, ordering customers to pet them, while bluegrass-and blues-music plays throughout.
By the way, The Gatchellville Store began its life around the time of the Civil War when a Union solider named Mathew McCall came home from the war to set up a mercantile and dry goods business in Gatchellville. He was only 19 years of age....and now almost 150 years later, Mr. McCall's Name is still on the stained glass transom above the front door.
When Linda and Carroll bought the store in 2002, it had been closed since the 1940s. They are the 4th owners to operate the store since the Civil War."

So, what did MaryDeluxe find this time at Gatchellville? I'm sure this is the question you are all pondering at this very moment...ok just humor me and pretend like it was! Well kiddos, I went with this wonderful barkcloth fabric. As a person who use to design fabric back in another one of my life times, I really like vintage textiles! A LOT! I really like mixing them together too...textures, colors, and patterns...makes no difference to me.

To continue with my theme of textile purchases, I also grabbed this old rainbow rag runner while I was there! Love the colors and after cutting off the bad ends, was a perfect fit for my kitchen!
Later that evening we christened the rug with popcorn treats and hairballs! I had nothing to do with the hairball part of that equation!

In other fun news...if you want to follow me on IG you can find me as some of you already know under _MaryDeluxe_ !
Until next time!