Happy New Year DeluxeVille Readers!
Thought I'd end January with some fun eye candy of what I've been up to. At the end of January it will be officially a year since I've been living back at DeluxeVille...and to be honest with you, it feels like I've never left some days! In fact, it amazes me how much difference a year can make in your life. Thank you Universe for all the soul healing things you have sent my way this past year.

I have recently painted the back of some of my kitchen cabinets and rearranged some of my fun dish wares! I removed the cabinet doors because I really like seeing my pretty things! Cabinet doors are so overrated!!
I dislike Winter but I accept the fact that I live in a state that has one! So to make life better, you should always have at least one or two fun vintage coats that you get to wear!

Nothing makes me happier on a sunny afternoon then hanging out in the kitchen drinking a cuppa hot tea and listening to some good tunes...
...while I "depleat" a vintage atomic pleated set of curtains I've been carrying around for eons. Now I have to decide what I'm gonna do with them.
Look, more vintage yummy dish wares that deserve to be seen!
And just so you don't think that all I've been doing is decorating DeluxeVille these last few months, I haven't been. As I wrote previously, I met a really extremely awesome fella who I've been enjoying gettin to know. I've never met a fella who has more vintage crap than I do. I'm the perfect vintage junk loving sidekick for him and he's drama free, which is the perfect sidekick for me! (See, there the Universe goes again giving me soul healing experiences when I wasn't looking.) We spend a lot of time eating fish sticks and french fries together and listening to old country records.
I'm sure I'll be sharing more about my favorite fella and our adventures after Winter passes and we decide to stop hibernating! So stay tuned, lots more random vintage eye candy coming your way!