Forgive me DeluxeVille readers for I have sinned, it's been about 5 months since my last confession! Not to worry, life is well and things have been extremely busy around these parts. I spent the last several months readying my house for the real estate market and finally got it listed in May. I was under contract 8 short days later and I will be having settlement in July! I am super excited to be letting go and moving on from my little place that I've had for almost 15 years. Once again DeluxeVille is moving on and this time permanently! Thank you universe for your blessing this time!
So I guess the question y'all are asking is... where will DeluxeVille be moving onto? Well after much talk with my fella, we have decided that DeluxVille will be opening up shop in the 1957 Liberty mobile home! If you scroll down, you will see the post I did on painting the outside of the trailer.

Lots of landscaping has been going on around here. We took the big diseased Maple tree down in front of the trailer last Fall and needed to do some planting come Spring. With the help of my favorite plant parking lot sale, we were able to gather and plant quite a bit of different perennials.

Since we haven't even began the renovation of the inside of DeluxeVille yet, we've been spending some of the dog days of Summer lounging on the front porch. Our pup Sampson gives it two paws up and wants everyone to know anyone can come sit with him as long as you give good scratches!

If you remember back many years ago, you will know, I had experimented with having a booth space in an antique mall. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work to try to make my rent every month! I've been thinking about getting back into the vintage selling game again for quite sometime but just couldn't seem to justify the cost of renting another booth space. After much talk with the fella, we've come to the decision that the perfect place to have a little vintage shop with almost zero overhead would be in the vintage 1957 Liberty trailer that's on the property. After all, we were planning on renovating it anyway for our own use, why not just make it a home business instead of a guest house?

I won't even begin to tell you about the amount of work that will need to be done inside. It's been sitting vacant since the mid eighties and for the last six years my fella has been using it as storage. It's not in awful shape by any means but we will need to replace flooring and fix some walls. There is still tons of original 1957 charm in there! Now that the work has been done and my house has been sold, this little gem will be where I'll be spending my evenings for awhile.

Now y'all know what I'll be doing until next time!