Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

I didn't have a subbing job today, so I spent the day planning a nice surprise Valentine dinner for Sgt. Dinner didn't turn out exactly as I planned it. I was hoping to have dinner done by the time Sgt got home from work, but because I underestimated the amount of time it would take to make the beet ravioli we had a late dinner and Sgt helped make it. We had a great time cooking together and eating in the "love" dining room by candlelight and wood stove! I didn't grab my camera till the end of the meal....and OMG what an absolutely delicious meal it was! I'm sorry I didn't get pictures of the meal, but I will leave you with links to the recipes at the end of the post!

The empty table.

MaryDeluxe & Sgt

After dinner hot chocolate

My crazy valentine!

The Valentines Dinner
Beet Ravioli
Creamy Walnut Sauce

This is the first time I've celebrated Valentines Day in many years. I'm not a big VD kinda gal. It's not that I have anything against love and hearts or flowers. It's just that since my birthday is 4 days before VD, I usually get my fill of love, hearts, and flowers on that day! :) I figured since this is our first Valentines Day as a married couple, I would do something romantic for Sgt. I totally impressed him with my crafty ways! :)

Happy Valentines Day!



  1. i love that you stayed in, cooked, and spent time together. so cute!

  2. We missed your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY first of all.

    Such lovely pics, we're not big on Valentines Day either, not cos there's not lots of love here, just cos we're not big on it. The dinner sounds delicious, yum!

  3. So happy Bday and VD Madame Deluxeville :)

  4. Love your Valentine's decor and your photos of the day. I think you and sgt. make a beautiful couple...I also stayed home and cooked a meal for Valentine's day.

  5. Happy belated birthday.Your valentines evening looked lovely.I love all the decoratios you have up and the room is just beatiful.You two are a cute couple.x
