Actually, these are normal things we do around here to prepare for Winter, we just had to start a little early this year. We ALWAYS lose power where we live...it could be a perfectly sunny day or perhaps just a passing thunder storm, and if a tree falls down in the right spot somewhere in a 10 mile vicinity, that's pretty much it for the power! We know we will be losing power eventually, we're just not sure when.
So, I've been spending my day making a big pot of veggie chili, making pizza dough for later, and in general prepping for when we lose our power. (the lights have been flickering as I write and I can hear the trees breaking outside my window, it's a creepy, scary sound) I think I'll make some corn muffins next, while I still have use of my oven, and also whip up some mashed potatoes....I love to eat my chili over mashed potatoes! How do you eat your chili?

No serious worries here, as I have a fire to keep me warm, a good book to read, lots of candles, and a big bottle of wine to calm my nerves! Lets all cross our fingers that when we wake up tomorrow, the rest of the Eastern Shoreline will still be here.
Stay safe East Coasters!