In 1941 my grandfather George lived on a farm with his brother Edward and 2 sisters Catherine and Dorthy( my sassy aunt Dot ). None of them were farmers so I'm not really sure why they decided to go in that direction. From the letters he writes to Frances, I believe he was trying his hand at chicken farming. Some where along the way this venture must have failed for him. When ever George refers to "the girls" in his letters, he is talking about Aunt Dot and Aunt Catherine.
Aunt Dot, George, Grt Grandmother, Grt Grandfather, Uncle Ed, Aunt Catherine
Sunday Night
Dear Fran:-
Just finished checking on the incubator for the last time and before going to bed, to toss and turn, thought this would be a pretty good time to dash off a few lines to my dear Fran, a swell girl.
This morning after coming home from church, and eating a quick breakfast, I dashed down to the incubator room to check up, as usual, and much to my surprise, there were a few chicks hatched out, so I guess it won't be long now, tomorrow is the 21st day, and I expect to be the proud father of 1500 chicks. I will bring you a cigar Saturday. That was one of the reasons why I left church so quick this morning, and I also knew if I did see you Fran, I would want a date, which I can't have now until Sat. the 15, only six more days, but each one like a week. I sure will enjoy seeing you again, and I'm hoping that works the other way.
When Mother came up from York today, she said that she expected to see Frances here, I think that she is getting anxious to meet you Fran, and I know that both Mother and Dad will like you as much as the rest of the family. Swell people at times.
The girls, also wanted to know when I am going to bring you to dinner. So we can get together and pick a date, for a Sunday if it's okay with you. I have lots to tell you, but I will keep it until Saturday when I'll see you about eight or a little after. I want to go to church first.
Goodnight and lots of
Just finished checking on the incubator for the last time and before going to bed, to toss and turn, thought this would be a pretty good time to dash off a few lines to my dear Fran, a swell girl.
This morning after coming home from church, and eating a quick breakfast, I dashed down to the incubator room to check up, as usual, and much to my surprise, there were a few chicks hatched out, so I guess it won't be long now, tomorrow is the 21st day, and I expect to be the proud father of 1500 chicks. I will bring you a cigar Saturday. That was one of the reasons why I left church so quick this morning, and I also knew if I did see you Fran, I would want a date, which I can't have now until Sat. the 15, only six more days, but each one like a week. I sure will enjoy seeing you again, and I'm hoping that works the other way.
When Mother came up from York today, she said that she expected to see Frances here, I think that she is getting anxious to meet you Fran, and I know that both Mother and Dad will like you as much as the rest of the family. Swell people at times.
The girls, also wanted to know when I am going to bring you to dinner. So we can get together and pick a date, for a Sunday if it's okay with you. I have lots to tell you, but I will keep it until Saturday when I'll see you about eight or a little after. I want to go to church first.
Goodnight and lots of
What a great little peek into history. Thanks for sharing.