Many of my family members served in the armed forces in the 1940's. When Fran and George became engaged, Fran wrote to her brother Bill, who was stationed at Fort Knox, for his blessing. Fran's Father had died many years prior in 1934 so it makes sense that she would then ask for her brother's blessings. I don't know as much about Fran's brothers as I do about her sisters. In the picture above,
I'm not sure which one is "Bill" but I know that Agnes was a WAC during WWII.
I'm not sure which one is "Bill" but I know that Agnes was a WAC during WWII.
Dear Fran:
Your letter telling me of the "main event" at the Weaver home came to me yesterday and I dare say that even though the family may suffer the loss of you, someone else will be the gainer of something which all the gold at Fort Knox, could buy, -- Happiness-- So for your sake and his too, I hereby send my consent and best wishes, for I feel that a "George" such as "yours" will be an asset to our family tree. Yes, Fran, I suppose we have room for another "George". And for myself, I suppose that I, too, will have to wait the Governments verdict before I can start to worry about whether I'll be on hand for the "Big Day".
I dare say that the news did not take me completely by surprise since Pud said in one of her letters that you would write, since you had a surprise for me and wanted to tell me yourself. Right then I suspicioned news of this sort, and your letter was a welcome and pleasant verification of my suspicions. Yes, Fran, I think you two will do all right and rest assured that you have my blessing and best wishes.
I have applied for a Christmas furlough to cover the entire Christmas week. It was approved by Lt. Armstrong, and I think by Company Comander, but has to be approved by two more people before it becomes official. So if it is rejected I might only get the four days. However I am quite sure at this time I will spend Xmas at home.
For right now I think I have reviewed the news and with love to the rest of the family, I remain, as ever,