Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lets Go Pole Dancing

errrr, not that kind of pole dancing! Geezz, get your dirty minds outta the gutter! I happen to mean, the ancient tradition of May Pole Dancing. That's right everyone, today is May 1st so, Happy May Day!

So, put on your flats, grab the ribbons, grab the flowers, find your favorite gals and get to it! No need to celebrate May Day in a political way, I like to celebrate May Day as a day of Spring and the coming of Summer! This year, I am also celebrating the fact that I survived the month of April. April was HELL for me and I'm not sad to see it go but just so you know, I'm feeling very optimistic about May and getting back to normal!


  1. Thanks, I remember doing this, and putting little paper cones on people's front door with flowers in them. Glad to hear youre doing better! Zootsuitmama

  2. I remember doing a maypole dance at school in fourth grade for our parents. The wind kicked up and ripped the crate paper streamers and we had to finish out the dance holding imaginary streamers. Oh so humiliating. I still love maypoles though.

  3. Happy May Day to you Mary! I'm sorry to hear that April wasn't all that kind to you but here's to a happy rest of the year for you! xx

  4. Yay to the back of April, seems to have been a hellish month for lots of people! I do like Mayday too, it's our wedding anniversary, 17 years yesterday, lordy where does the time go?!!

  5. Sorry to hear you had bad times in April. I did as well and I think May will be worse :(
