The Sgt and I got engaged!

What can I say...the man has good taste! HA He also found me the perfect ring... a ring from the 1940's with a matching wedding band. Told you he was new bling for this gal...I like mine with some history! Good job Sgt!
What can I say lovely DeluxeVille readers other then...I guess I got on the right bus this time!
I'm a lucky girl. My Sgt is amazing.
Elopement to follow sometime next Spring...
Then of course my BIG move to BachelorVille NJ!!!
Fasten your seat belts :)


What can I say...the man has good taste! HA He also found me the perfect ring... a ring from the 1940's with a matching wedding band. Told you he was new bling for this gal...I like mine with some history! Good job Sgt!
What can I say lovely DeluxeVille readers other then...I guess I got on the right bus this time!
I'm a lucky girl. My Sgt is amazing.
Elopement to follow sometime next Spring...
Then of course my BIG move to BachelorVille NJ!!!
Fasten your seat belts :)

Dear ex-buses who still love to come over and read my blog even though my life and the bus route I'm riding on is none of your business.....Look at me...I'm happy....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :)
Dear ex-buses who still love to come over and read my blog even though my life and the bus route I'm riding on is none of your business.....Look at me...I'm happy....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :)