Sunday, May 8, 2011


If anyone out there likes to garden like the Sgt and I do, I'm sure most of you have heard of the Burpee seed catalog or perhaps have visited their website...Burpee. This past weekend, we decided to take a road trip and head down to Warminster, PA to pick up some seeds and plants at the Burpee discount warehouse store. I scored some good deals on wildflower seeds and the Sgt picked up a gazillion tomato plants. I see lots of tomato canning in our future if all the plants do well. Oh geezzz!

Here I am holding up a very big tomato....I have my fingers crossed the Sgt didn't pick out this variety of tomato plant to grow!

The outside space of the Burpee discount warehouse.

A nice mix of plants to choose from. Vegetables, perennials, annuals, herbs, and fruit plants. I think their best deals are found inside with the seeds they had for sale. I have gotten better deals on my live plants from local nurseries where I live.

We still did really well for ourselves and loaded up the car with lots of goodies. Then went home and got down to business. The veggie garden is filling up fast and I was excited to see all the seeds we planted coming up. I'll be eating fresh salads any weekend now.

The Burpee Jump
Yay BURPEE!!!!!!! He's such a show off!


  1. I had no clue Burpee had a discount warehouse!!! YOU LUCKY DUCK!!!!!! If I ever make it up to that coast I'm definitely going to have to put that on "places to go visit" I've been drooling over Burpee plant catalogs since I was a kid!

  2. Hey, you shoulda told me you were in my neck o the woods- there are a couple great thrift stores a mile away from there! LOL

    I went to school with one of the Burpee kids; the original farm, Fordhook, is in Doylestown where I went to high school.

  3. Iliveinmylab.....I didn't know it either but the Sgt did! hahaha

    Susie...hahaha That's right you live down that way! We stopped in Doyelstown on the way back what a hopping little town of wealthy upscale shops and people....can you say trendy!


  4. No kidding. I can't afford to live there anymore! I do teach music lessons there, tho. There is a cute vintage shop downstairs in the building across the street from the Gap (which used to be a Woolworths with a lunch counter back in the day...) with decent prices.
