This past week has been extremely busy and involved lots of travel, interesting activities, and emotional moments. This week is shaping up to be another busy challenging week. I'm not one to dwell for long on the bad, so here are a few good things that have happened in my travels.

I finally found a decent well priced pedestal sink! This is a Standard brand sink and is from the 1930s. I found it in a Habitat for Humanities Restore and it's in really good condition and priced to sell, so I had no choice but to snag it up and store it till I get to the bathroom renovation project.

Sgt and I are now without roosters. Yes, we slaughtered and processed them ourselves. Just some FYI about me that you probably don't know, I have not eaten chicken or red meat in 22 years. I do however eat seafood. I will not be eating the chickens, but I did help process the chickens so that Sgt can eat them.

Bad Dog! Hmmm Sgt, could this be karma?? I love this site (it's so funny) and Chester fits right in on there.....Dogshaming

Last but not least, many of you know, I like mailboxes that make a statement! This is Aunt Dot's cool ass mailbox. I love, love this mailbox design. How old is this mailbox and where the heck did she find it?? It reminds me of the old aluminum screen doors (with the scroll designs and large letter) that people use to have on their front doors. Perhaps she had it custom made? Don't ya all wish you had a mailbox as cool as this??!! I need to find some body to make me one!
Here's to another long week!