I LOVE checking out a good estate auction. I especially LOVE a good box lot auction! Some of my most favorite vintage things have come out of the bottom of a cardboard box. Some times I even find a treasure in my box that will pay for my whole auction bill and then some!
I went to an auction recently that had 350 miscellaneously stuffed boxes! I usually give myself a budget to stay in and once I hit it, I stop bidding. Giving myself a budget really helps me focus only on bidding on things I really want and not just ALL the cool vintage stuff! My budget this time was $50 and as you have read by my title, I overspent by $1! But I'll forgive myself for that dollar because I brought my own water and snack to the auction! So lets see what I got for $51!
I bought one box full of old games for $2. I really, really wanted the Simon Game! When I was a kid I wanted one of these games sooooo bad (I think I was attracted to the colors!) but never got one, until now! It's never to late people!

I spent $12 on a box full of all kinds of stuff! I bought it for the small patio umbrellas with the clamps on them. There were three total. It also had a picnic jug, window screens, artwork of cats with big eyes, a Griswold grinder, Victorian utensils, 5 Mattel children records, a box of nails and a plant hanger!

The umbrella that made me buy a $12 box lot! Love those colors! I so think that $12 was worth it for that fabulous umbrella.

I bought a box of glass and china things for $1. It had the Anchor Hocking striped pitcher in it. I found the new old stock Anchor Hocking drinking glasses in the house on a table to be sold individually. The glasses were my big spend of the day. I really wanted to keep the set together so, I bought the glasses for $35....ouch there goes my budget!

And the last thing I bought was a box of textiles for $1! It also had towels in it that I plan on donating to a local animal shelter.

If you've been paying attention, you might be wondering what I bought with my other $1 in the $51 I spent. Well the first thing I bought was a 1950's portable grille that I don't have a picture of! So there ya go, everything I bought for $51.
There was a few things there that I wish I would have had the money or the need to buy, but I just couldn't justify the purchase at this point in my life. One of them was this very cool western child's toy box/hassock. Sweet huh?!

Yeeehaw! Oh well, easy come, easy go!!
See ya soon,