I would like to introduce you to my favorite bus stop goddess ......
Ms. Desi De Lu Lu...... who I've known online for years though officially have never met in person. She has probably been there for all of my major bus accidents these last three years and has always helped me find my way back to the bus stop. Without her I would be $1100 dollars poorer! hahahaha But that's a bus story for a different day!
Here are two of my favorite lines that Ms Desi has typed to me over the years....
- Being a bus stop goddess means having lots of choices about bus routes!
- A bus stop goddess is never second fiddle in a man's life. PERIOD!
So, I thought it would be fun to ask Ms Desi to step up to the plate and write her thoughts about being a Bus Stop Goddess. And here is what she had to say.....
MISSING THE BUSI believe there comes a time in every girls life when they ponder why they are waiting and waiting for the bus, desperately hoping that it appears in the next five to ten minutes, after all they have places to be and things to do! Who wants to be late? Not me!
You know what I mean, you wake up late, make a dash to to the bathroom nearly stepping on your cat in the way and throw any old clothes on to just make it out the door in time to see the bus turning the corner down your street...heading in the direction you want to go..but you missed it!
You get mad at yourself and wonder when, when it is going to happen for you, when is the day YOU will catch the bus, on time. Or, worse yet, in a desperate rush you get on the wrong bus! What a waste of time that was! (even though you learned to never ever get on that wrong bus again).
Well sometimes the bus driver isn't on your schedule yet, or maybe they had to find a new bus driver for the route. Whatever the reason, you just missed the bus. But that doesn't mean another bus driver wont be along shortly, or in due time.
I've gotten on board a few wrong buses in my time, in my haste I didn't see the sign that the bus was headed in the wrong direction! UGH! But that is ok, I pulled the string and dinged the bell, and got off as soon as I realized it was the wrong bus. There was a long period of time waiting for that dang right bus! In fact, I thought the bus would never show up! It made me mad, sad and I asked myself why I couldn't just get to the right bus stop to get that right bus right NOW! But it didn't work out that way.
So I decided that I wasn't gonna worry about that dang bus anymore.. I decided it was too much of a hassle, worry and just plain waste of time to be fretting about that bus.
The next morning I made a to do list. It only consisted of one item. That's right. Just one little sentence that consisted of six words. What I wrote was this:
WAKE UP, LOOK CUTE, LOVE MYSELF.See, I had decided I couldn't do anything about that bus showing up on time, but I could do something about managing how I spent my time waiting for MY right bus. I got so busy doing things to spend the time waiting for that bus that I nearly missed the bus while I was busily and happily occupied sitting at the bus stop.
Lucky for me, the bus driver that day knew what he was looking for and when he spotted me through his windshield, happily sitting on that bench, looking cute and content, he knew I was the right passenger for
HIS bus, and it turns out he was driving the right bus after all.
It took me two failed bus trips before I became a permanent passenger on the right bus, but it was worth the wait.
So for all you ladies who are still waiting for the
RIGHT bus try starting your day tomorrow with the right checklist.
Wake up, look cute, love yourself.xoxo
(Bus Stop Goddess)

See why I love this gal!! Above is a picture of Ms Desi and her bus!! I'm happy you finally found a good bus route Mrs. Desi!!! And thank you for sharing your wisdom with us all! Love ya Ms Desi!!!