Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year
LANCASTER COUNTY – Akron, shoe; Elizabethtown, M&M; Manheim, ball; Reamstown, barrel
DAUPHIN COUNTY – Hershey, kiss; Hummelstown, lollipop; Middletown, orb
LEBANON COUNTY – Cleona, pretzel; Palmyra, shoe; Richland, cigar
YORK COUNTY -- Dillsburg, pickle; Hallam, shoe; Red Lion, cigar
CUMBERLAND COUNTY – Carlisle, car; Mechanicsburg, wrench; Shippensburg, anchor
PERRY COUNTY – Blain, cow; Duncannon, sled; Liverpool, canal boat
Monday, December 28, 2009
Dear Mid-Century Home Owners

I am not stalking you, investigating you, or trying to blackmail you for some sort of wrong you might have done. I am simply in love with your very cool house and stopped to take a quick picture to share with my friends. I hope you appreciate the very cool house that you reside in and have not taken it upon yourselves to rip out every cool old feature in your home to do some crazy updating you might have seen on HGTV! That would be blasphemy. Please don't listen to the lies that certain TV channels like to tell. Not everyone likes or needs granite counter tops in their kitchens. There are still plenty of us out there who enjoy fake laminate with nice metal edging and original appliances. I hope you are one of those people too. So, dear very cool mid-century home owners, if you ever find that you can no longer fullfill your duties as very cool mid-century home owners to this very cool mid-century home, call me!
Bye for now but remember, I've got my eye on you, so watch your renovations!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
That's me....Missing In Action Mary Deluxe! I've been feeling a little under the weather since Christmas and fighting a horrible sore throat. I must have gotten it from school as I remember a few of my students telling me they weren't feeling so hot and had sore throats. Thanks kids!
Tomorrow Mr. Milo is off to the vets for more shots. You can just bet that I'm soooo not looking forward to taking little hissy pants to the vets. I'm sure he's going to make a big dramatic scene and the new vet will tell me what a horrible cat I have. This is exactly what happened the last time I took him to the vets. I was so unhappy with the way the last vet handled Milo that I found a new one. The last vet told me Milo was a mean cat and he puts down mean cats because they don't make good pets! Milo must have overheard the vet because he decided to be as nasty and obnoxious as possible. I almost started crying when I watched the way the vet handled him. Poor Milo ended up biting his tongue and limping around the house for 2 days! It was completely unnecessary in my opinion how the vet restrained him. My poor little buddy. He's really not mean at all, he just doesn't like stupid vets.....he prefers big pink atomic 50's chairs! Can't blame him there.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Anne Fogarty
I bought it even though I knew it would be to small for me. But hey, a girl can dream can't she! I just loved the fitted bodice and very full skirt! It was to me, an amazing example of a 50's design! Like many of you out there, I love to research and find out the history behind my vintage finds... knowledge is power! So, I was determined to find out all I could about Anne Fogarty and the Margot label. What I found out was that Anne, was one very talented, outstanding designer. My dress was made between 1950-1955 when Anne was designing for the Margot label. It was at this time that she developed her own take on the New Look with what she called her "Paperdoll" silhouette. Her Paperdoll dresses featured a very fitted bodice and full skirt with which a crinoline or petticoat had to be worn to achieve the desired effect. My dress was a perfect example of her popular design.

You can read more about Anne Fogarty : FuzzieLizzieVintage and Vintage Fashion Guild. And you can buy my little Anne Fogarty Dress at DeluxeVilleVintage on Etsy!! Yes, I have finally decided to stop living in denial and accept the fact that my waist will probably never be 26" again!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Dude Where's My Car...

As you can see, I live on the
east coast and we got hammered today by a big snow storm! I've shoveled already once today at 1pm and I just finished my second round of shoveling now! I think the best time to shovel is 11pm at night. It's peaceful and quiet. I walked across the street to see what my house looked like from the other side of the street. I opened the curtains on my big window today to watch it snow and I've never realized as much as I can see out, others across the street can see in! No wonder the old guys across the street like me so much! Whose your favorite neighbor?? Why, MaryDeluxe of course...when the curtain opens, she puts on the best shows!
Friday, December 18, 2009
I Gave In......
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
My most recent awards!

Thanks Dolls,
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Heavens to Betsy
Betsy Bouncer and Her Doll is one of those weird Sunday pages from the early part of the Twentieth Century. Betsy Bouncer is an otherwise ordinary girl but for the fact that her closest companion is a grotesque almost-human-but-not-quite living doll. The relationship between girl and doll is a nightmarish one as the plaything is constantly plotting oh-so-funny ways to injure her owner, say by bee stings or a bear mauling. The doll typically gets what is coming to her, though sometimes in a surprisingly brutal fashion - it's not often the star of a comic strip is beheaded, is it? This all comes to us courtesy of Tom Tucker.
Betsy Palmer
Betsy Palmer is an American actress best known as a regular panelist on the game show, I've Got A Secret, and later for playing Pamela Voorhess in the notorious slasher film Friday the 13th.
The Betsy Anna was an 880 tonne steel steamer that was run by a subsidiary of the Berghuis Coal trade from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She was used mainly for transporting coal from European countries, steaming all the way through the Mediterranean and Baltic waters as well as all along the Atlantic Coast. The Betsy Anna met her fate in October 1926 when she stuck Prawle Point, off the coast of Devon. From here she was re floated but sank whilst being transported under tow to Cowes, on the Isle of Wight. The wreck has become a favorite for British divers over the years due to its fabulous diving and large numbers of marine creatures. In 2004 ULSAC adopted the wreck of the Betsy Anna and have carried out a number of surveying dives on it since then.
Betsey Johnson
One of my favorite fashion designers!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Auction Saturday

The lamps were unmarked and when they came up for sale, it was me and a dealer bidding on them and I stopped at $50 as this was the limit I gave myself for the day. So, he got em for $55. Sometimes you win some and sometimes you lose some. Just how it works. I was also saving my funds for another set of chalk ware lamps that I liked better. Those I did get. I don't care much for the shade but they match really well to the set of lamps I got a couple weeks back. For now, I put them in my dressing room. I will have to look around for some fiber glass shades to replace the ones on there. Perhaps I'll save my funds and buy some from here: Moon Shine Lamp and Shade. Shades that are to die for!!

I also picked up a flamingo mirror. The mirror is fogged up but the artwork on the inside is in excellent condition so I plan on removing it and finding a cool frame for it.

I also got a frozen face and feet! I will not be going to anymore outside sales until spring. That was just stupid of me to stand out there for 5 hours freezing my ass off! This just proves that I have a problem. A very serious problem....I smell an intervention in my future! :)
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Kitschmas in DeluxeVille 2008
Unfortunately I don't think I will be doing Kitschmas this year. Not because I am Bah Humbug or's because of *"Milo the Monster"* and the potential he has for the destruction of my Kitschmas decor. I can just see him now swatting at vintage ornaments and breaking them. I already lose a few each year to my adult cats. I could just imagine the damage those little clawed paws could do! Oh the HORROR! Since it's been snowing here all day, I've been in a Kitschmas kinda mood. So, here's some various pictures of Kitschmas in Deluxville 2008!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Chair

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
What a Crappy Day Outside.
Monday, November 30, 2009
1950's Pink Roper Stove
Friday, November 27, 2009
I dislike holidays...
But I am happy for V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N and for furry creatures that give unconditional love no matter what.