Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Crazy Busy
That is what I have been all week! Next week will be just as bad. The end of the school year is always my least favorite time of the year as I have tons to do and lots of stress!! But I won't complain to much as I only have 7 work days left! It's been a very rainy spring here and things are growing like mad. I don't mind the flowers growing but I can't seem to keep up with the weeds and my garden is in neglect at the moment. I plan on remedying the situation this weekend as the weather is to clear up.... I really need some sunshine as it's been overcast all week.

Sometime this summer, I'm planning on making a new mailbox for my front porch and painting my front door. Here's an example of a very atomic mailbox design idea that I think looks fab.

So many cool project ideas in my head and all summer to get them done! I better get started soon on my summer project list.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I really do need to go shopping for new vintage clothes. Most of my vintage are big on me now. I'm just gonna have to suck it up and start thinning out the closet so I can start buying more things. I've already started doing this with my modern business clothes and have been handing down my suits and things onto my sister. But it's just so hard for me to part with my vintage. I just don't want to sell something and totally regret it later! This has happened with things in the past ... oh so many times! It comes back to bite me in the arse and I think what the hell did I sell that for! I have to keep reminding myself that recycling and not hoarding is a form of vintage karma.
As for reproduction dresses....I've been totally loving this one from TrashyDiva. I'm just loving the classic 40's style of "The Sweetie" dress and the cute wooden buttons and matching belt. $110!
Also from Trashy Diva....Two wonderful *new* pencil skirts! The classic pencil skirt on the left is a steal of a deal at $35.... while the little Firecraker with the ruffled hem is $77!
As for reproduction dresses....I've been totally loving this one from TrashyDiva. I'm just loving the classic 40's style of "The Sweetie" dress and the cute wooden buttons and matching belt. $110!
Also from Trashy Diva....Two wonderful *new* pencil skirts! The classic pencil skirt on the left is a steal of a deal at $35.... while the little Firecraker with the ruffled hem is $77!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Idiot Girl...
Okay, no I didn't fall off the face of the earth....I've just been making friends with Jose Cuervo. hehehehe Let me tell you about Jose, he's that boy you love, spend some time with and then hate the next day. Mostly Jose and I have a love relationship now that I'm older! I also like to share him with my girlfriends as he's the kind of man that doesn't mind getting passed around. He's very accomodating and versatile but I prefer him being a little fruity most times!

Recently, Jose and I have been spending WAY to much time together. Jose and I at the Wayne Hancock Show...Jose and I Friday afternoon with my gal friend (Jose enjoys 3 somes), Quickie shots of Jose Saturday night (Jose is great for a quickie).... and I think Jose wants to spend Sunday afternoon with me too. I think it's official, since Jose likes spending so much time with me, he's my new boyfriend! Something tells me it's not gonna last long though as I also have a thing for pirates.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Things to sell...
I have about three weeks of work left, YAY!!! I am starting to clean out my closet again and I'm planning on selling off a variety of things. I haven't decided yet on how I'm going to do that...Esty or Ebay??? I know a lot of you sell on both.... which do you prefer to use? Why??? Here's a little sneak peak of what I'll be selling off.....
Late 50's Turquoise dress and jacket....Love the color!

A cute 50's Gabardine skirt! Button and accordian pleat details at the bottom!
Late 50's Turquoise dress and jacket....Love the color!

A favorite 40's suit of mine...

Late 40's sexy secretary wiggle dress...Amazing details!

1953 Rose Marie Reid Swim suit..... the structure/support in this suit is AMAZING...
A cute 50's Gabardine skirt! Button and accordian pleat details at the bottom!
Chair Porn
Harry Bertoia was a true renaissance man. An artist, sculptor, jewelry maker, and designer. He designed a series of wire chairs for Knoll in the 1950's. His wire chairs are versatile in design and a true modern classic that can be used in a variety of interior settings. A chair that makes me drool!
A little History: Harry Bertoia immigrated from Italy at the age of 15. After studying art and design (specifically metal sculpture) at various institutes, where he encountered the likes of of Edmund Bacon and Charles Eames, he set up shop as a jewellery designer, as WWII made metal a scarce and expensive material. Following the end of the war, he moved to California, where he participated in a co-op including design icons Eero Saarinen and Charles and Ray Eames developing molded plywood techniques for designing furniture. Finally, in 1950, he partnered with Knoll Associates and designed the Bertoia Collection for Knoll, which spawned the wire chair we are now so familiar with. Bertoia produced his famous line of wire mesh seating, including the Wire Diamond Chair, one of the most important designs in the history of modern furniture. The Bertoia Wire Chairs are now classic mid-20th century-furniture icons. In Bertoia's own words, "If you look at these chairs, they are mainly made of air, like sculpture. Space passes right through them."
How exciting is it (for me anyway, the big furniture LameO) to find 3 Bertoia wire chairs sitting in the junk pile of an up-coming action!! Very exciting!! Oh auction gods please be kind to me! I will tell you that the only reason I looked at the picture in the first place was to see the cute turquoise colored chair... but once I squinted my eyes a little, it was all over for the dime a dozen metal lawn chair and hello beautiful bertoia babies! Just picture those chairs with cool atomic fabric seat cushions. Mid-century dreamy!
A little History: Harry Bertoia immigrated from Italy at the age of 15. After studying art and design (specifically metal sculpture) at various institutes, where he encountered the likes of of Edmund Bacon and Charles Eames, he set up shop as a jewellery designer, as WWII made metal a scarce and expensive material. Following the end of the war, he moved to California, where he participated in a co-op including design icons Eero Saarinen and Charles and Ray Eames developing molded plywood techniques for designing furniture. Finally, in 1950, he partnered with Knoll Associates and designed the Bertoia Collection for Knoll, which spawned the wire chair we are now so familiar with. Bertoia produced his famous line of wire mesh seating, including the Wire Diamond Chair, one of the most important designs in the history of modern furniture. The Bertoia Wire Chairs are now classic mid-20th century-furniture icons. In Bertoia's own words, "If you look at these chairs, they are mainly made of air, like sculpture. Space passes right through them."
How exciting is it (for me anyway, the big furniture LameO) to find 3 Bertoia wire chairs sitting in the junk pile of an up-coming action!! Very exciting!! Oh auction gods please be kind to me! I will tell you that the only reason I looked at the picture in the first place was to see the cute turquoise colored chair... but once I squinted my eyes a little, it was all over for the dime a dozen metal lawn chair and hello beautiful bertoia babies! Just picture those chairs with cool atomic fabric seat cushions. Mid-century dreamy!

You can still buy these reproduction Bertoia wire chairs from various sites, but trust me, you will pay an arm and a leg for them. I don't know about you, but I need my arms and legs. I am hoping these are vintage 50's chairs.... here is the reason.....very early example of this iconic design features a double wire edge like the wire chairs Bertoia did for Eames. This double edge was either phased out during the first few years for production issues or patent issues. If they have a double wire design they are very rare and are his first wire chair designs before he went to Knoll.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Couch surfing
I can't seem to get over what ever this illness is that I have developed. It's getting very annoying and all I've been wanting to do is lay around and watch senseless television. I did pull myself together for about an hour today, which gave me enough time to make it to the grocery store and to pick up my new glasses. Then it was back home and back into my comfy pj's!

Since it is crazy humid and sticky here, I pulled out a cute sundress to wear. Very similar to the cute sundresses Fluer has posted on her blog Diary of a Vintage Girl. Who makes these dresses?? I have no idea but they sure are cute and great to wear in the summer.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Pondy Pants
Miss Sassy Pants' giant head
I came home from work to find my pond almost empty and water spraying every where! One of the pond hoses had come off the filter some how??? I really wasn't in the mood to deal with the mess, as I am still sick. I was planning on cleaning the pond, doing a water change, and fixing the rocks this summer. Oh well, I didn't really have a choice in the matter so, I might as well get it done today. I put on my shorts and hopped in the pond. Can I just say slimy and gross! Ewwwwww Fish and frogs swimming against my legs, nibbling at my toes is not my idea of fun! Poor Miss Sassy Pants (one of my gigantic Koi) kept frantically swimming around my ankles wondering what the hell was going on! I found one of my Bubble Gold fish stranded on a plant shelf behind a plant. I put him back in the water. I don't know how long he was stranded on the shelf out of water??? Perhaps I now have a brain damaged gold fish?? Everyone else seemed to be okay.

Monday, May 11, 2009
Sick and Grumpy Girl

One of my lovely students jammed pyrometric cones into the kiln sitter hole in my kiln....this resulted in me having to dismantle the kiln sitter to get the cones out! Lucky I'm handy or else a lot of projects would not have gotten fired. I will totally find out who did this as they like to snitch each other out.
I was asked by a male student "what's a cunt" in the middle of my class. These are urban HS students btw....I'm sure they learn what the word cunt means by the second grade... My response, that is not an appropriate word or question and please leave my room and go to the office. His response...I'm not leaving. My response...if you don't leave my room I will call security and have you escorted from my room. His response... I'm not leaving. Security comes (security is a total joke btw)....he's not leaving....VP comes he's not leaving. My whole class had to leave the room so the VP could finally get this kid out of my room. He apparently displayed the same type of behavior last Friday and had to be escorted from that room also.
Now of course I have to deal with all this crap while sick. Which is what has made me grumpy. When I'm grumpy I yell at the kids. Today I lectured them on the proper place to use certain english language words and the school environment is not a proper place. Then I went on to lecture them on why it's important to keep your hands to yourself and off of other people's property. If you can't do that you will end up in jail and be someone's new girlfriend. Then I remembered that most of them have already been in juvy and/or have a probation officer (we have a probation officer at the HS) so I wasn't scaring them! Then I told them if they liked me even a little bit they could show me so by not making me go completely insane in the last 4 weeks of school. I also emphasised to them that crazy people have little if no hand coordination and it would be extremely hard for me to type in the correct grades where they belong. Here's what I got......Sorry Miss, we can't help you, you're already crazy!
I was asked by a male student "what's a cunt" in the middle of my class. These are urban HS students btw....I'm sure they learn what the word cunt means by the second grade... My response, that is not an appropriate word or question and please leave my room and go to the office. His response...I'm not leaving. My response...if you don't leave my room I will call security and have you escorted from my room. His response... I'm not leaving. Security comes (security is a total joke btw)....he's not leaving....VP comes he's not leaving. My whole class had to leave the room so the VP could finally get this kid out of my room. He apparently displayed the same type of behavior last Friday and had to be escorted from that room also.
Now of course I have to deal with all this crap while sick. Which is what has made me grumpy. When I'm grumpy I yell at the kids. Today I lectured them on the proper place to use certain english language words and the school environment is not a proper place. Then I went on to lecture them on why it's important to keep your hands to yourself and off of other people's property. If you can't do that you will end up in jail and be someone's new girlfriend. Then I remembered that most of them have already been in juvy and/or have a probation officer (we have a probation officer at the HS) so I wasn't scaring them! Then I told them if they liked me even a little bit they could show me so by not making me go completely insane in the last 4 weeks of school. I also emphasised to them that crazy people have little if no hand coordination and it would be extremely hard for me to type in the correct grades where they belong. Here's what I got......Sorry Miss, we can't help you, you're already crazy!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Vintage Glasses Part 2
I headed over to the lovely, little town of Lititz today to check out Leese I Wear's selection of vintage glasses. I was pleasantly surprised at the variety of eye glasses both new and old in the shop. Kimberly the owner had a small collection of very nice, new old stock vintage frames that she enjoys collecting. I have always found it hard to find a pair of decent vintage glasses. I absolutely refuse to buy vintage frames on Ebay as I never know how they will look on me and I would hate to spend a bunch of money only to be disappointed. I really need to try things on to see how they look before I buy! After trying on about all the vintage frames she had, I settled on a cute pair of cat's eye glasses that she's sending off to have the perscription lenses put in for me! I'll be picking them up in a week.
While I was there, I also fell in love with a pair of vintage sunglasses that looked fab on me. To my surprise Kimberly gave them to me for free! She was given them for free to sell in her shop but because they're not in mint condition she wasn't planning on selling them. Since she wasn't going to sell them and I liked them so much....she gave them to me! How cool is that! *jump up and down, jump up and down* She also gave me a cool vintage case to keep them in!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Deluxe Eye-Candy
A collection of a few of my favorite flickr photos that inspire me!

Lamps to *die* for!

Incredible, amazing style!

Sweet Inspiration
A beautiful woman with a fabulous house and amazing taste!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Vintage eyewear

A craig's list find of the week for all my glasses wearing local gals....Leese I-Wear for your vintage frames! I haven't checked it out yet but will do so and let you know what I find! Looks like a fun store!
Kitchen Countertops
Tomorrow the guys are coming to measure for my new kitchen counter tops! How excited am I? Very! I've been wanting new counter tops for years and years. I got some quotes last year from two different places and they both came in with quotes close to $2000. To pricey for my thrifty ways. The other month I decided to call a wood working business that I use to work with many years ago. They came out and gave me a quote for $750-$850. Now that's a deal I just couldn't refuse. My new counter tops will be this..............

Subway tiles perhaps??

Subway tiles perhaps??

And can I just tell you how much I LOVE Big Chill appliances! My next house will have one of these fridges and a matching dish washer too!
Monday, May 4, 2009
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