So the other week I spied this awesome vintage sign coming up for sale at an auction! OMG!!! It was just what I was looking for to complete my chicken coop.
How amazing is that sign I thought! I must drive my butt off to this auction and buy this fricken cool ass sign. So I loaded up my truck with my side kicks and off we went for a road trip to buy a sign!
But buy a sign we did! It was such a large sign, the fella had to build a special wooden frame for moving it. Have you figured out yet that my guy likes building things?? And I just happen to be really good at making a list of things that need to be built. Can I just say we high five each other a lot!

Can this sign be any more perfect for my rusty salvaged chicken coop? I think not. We hung this up and high fived each other as we stood back and looked at it.

I'm one very pleased chicken rancher! My chickens on the other hand could care less about the design of their humble abode. No high fives from them.

Of course this whole picture is currently covered in about 5 inches of snow. Hurry up Spring!
Fill free to high five me in the comments!