Monday, March 30, 2009

jill of all trades

I like projects. I'm a DIY kinda gal. If I don't know how to do something, I teach myself and figure out how. I'm a Jill of all trades and a master of none. I think I get this trait from my Dad. When I was a teenager, he was building his own house and when I would visit him on weekends, he would make me work. I loved it. I like projects and building things and discovering how they work. Don't get me wrong, I'm also a girl and I wear dresses and makeup. I like cute undies with lace and bows. I expect to be treated like a girl at all times.....but man I sure do like to get dirty and do boy things!

I did the upholstery in my 53 Ford....which I gave back to my ex... I need to get an old car to play with again!

I learned to tile and then redid all the tile work in my bathroom.

And of course my favorite place to play in the dirt is my backyard!

This summer I plan on redoing my metal chairs and glider. I just need to find someone who will let me borrow their sandblaster... With my ex moving out, I have now found myself without major an air compressor!! Damn.......note to self* future husband must have tools, lots and lots of tools...that he'll let me play with!


  1. Man arent you just as handy as all heck! I am way jealous. Painting my house to sell (result of relationship break up) has certainly been liberating in working out how to do stuff. I am all for it!

  2. wow, your tile job is amazing! cute car too.

  3. Where do you find the time and energy, being a teacher and all?! I'm waaay impressed with your handiness!

  4. Wow! You certainly have a lot of energy!

    Your car, home and garden are absolutely amazing!!

  5. Phenolicfanatic....I'm sorry to hear you had a relationship break up but being independent and taking care of things yourself has always been a big self esteem boost for me... glad to hear it is like that for you also!

  6. Hairball....heels and a hammer works for me!! bad I had to say goodbye to the car but the house was mine so he had no say about that! hahahaha's called summer vacation and of course it helps that I don't have responsibilities like kids!!!

    Bombshell...thank's something I've worked on for years.... I wish all my little projects could get done overnight but that never happens.

  7. Tools are fun! The hubs and I need more of them!

  8. wow kitten...inspiration to all the the blog...and i love the car...i too have a 53 ford...i just have loved checkin your blog
