Oh how I miss you sometimes...."Le Sigh"...."Le Purr"*

Okay, back to my fond memories! Well to be honest with this picture, there are also plenty of things that I'm glad I don't have to deal with anymore....like...the time I flushed the toilet and I made a waterfall in my living room..(eeewwww I mean who do you call at 11 at night when that happens?? Trust me, there's no one to call and you just have to hold it!)...shoveling 2 feet of snow in the winter with a flimsy plastic orange shovel...(Sgt made sure to bring my orange shovel in the move, if Sgt thinks I'm shoveling snow this Winter hahaha well I'm just not, orange plastic shovel or not!)....taking the trash out ( it sucked, I lived in a row house, so I had to carry my garbage from out back through my house and out the front door)....the noisy neighbors and their barking dogs (yes, I had a fence, which stopped them from shitting in my yard but they would come watch me through the fence cracks and bark at me insanely)....street parking ....the neighbors LOUD ghetto car that he use to drive around the block at 1 am....(ASSHOLE) the neighbors that use to yell at their young children with all kinds of $%#@#$...(I called the cops so many times on these idiots, yup idiots if you're reading this, it was me!) I'm sure there are many more things I don't miss about where I use to live. There is always a yin and a yang with every picture.
New readers might not know....but the old ones still hanging around out there will know...

Now, don't get me wrong, it's not like I hate living here in the little old Farm House with my Sgt sexy pants....I love my Sgt.......it's just that sometimes I miss that little 1950's townhouse I bought for myself oh so many moons ago! And the fun I had turning it into the swanky little DeluxeVille it became. I forget how much hard work and time it took for me to make DeluxeVille what it ended up being. No folks, it sure didn't happen overnight, just like the transformation of the Simple Acre farmhouse won't happen overnight. The farmhouse has been hard work and I see lots more work in the future....like tearing up floors, putting in new windows, tiling, painting.....the list is long. I'm lucky I've got a man with strong shoulders and power tools! Remember my thing for a certain man with power tools....Antonio Ballatore.... sorry Antonio you had your chance...unless you'd want to come on over for a visit and help me with my kitchen remodel???
But back to DeluxeVille....
Insert rant or perhaps words of wisdom?
I think back with fond memories of my DeluxeVille days and all my single girl memories of living there. I'm glad that I've always been the kind of gal to enjoy every moment of my life as it was happening. I never understood people who couldn't be happy with what they had at the moment because they were to busy being sad thinking they needed something they didn't have to be happy. I say.... enjoy every stage of your life even if it isn't exactly how you think it should/would/could be. There is no perfect life....there is right here and right now so why waste it wishing for something else. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow, next week, or next year....stop worrying so much and just enjoy what ya got! OMG there I go being a Bus Stop Goddess again!
But back to DeluxeVille....
I think back with fond memories of my DeluxeVille days and all my single girl memories of living there. I'm glad that I've always been the kind of gal to enjoy every moment of my life as it was happening. I never understood people who couldn't be happy with what they had at the moment because they were to busy being sad thinking they needed something they didn't have to be happy. I say.... enjoy every stage of your life even if it isn't exactly how you think it should/would/could be. There is no perfect life....there is right here and right now so why waste it wishing for something else. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow, next week, or next year....stop worrying so much and just enjoy what ya got! OMG there I go being a Bus Stop Goddess again!
End rant....
Okay, back to my fond memories! Well to be honest with this picture, there are also plenty of things that I'm glad I don't have to deal with anymore....like...the time I flushed the toilet and I made a waterfall in my living room..(eeewwww I mean who do you call at 11 at night when that happens?? Trust me, there's no one to call and you just have to hold it!)...shoveling 2 feet of snow in the winter with a flimsy plastic orange shovel...(Sgt made sure to bring my orange shovel in the move, if Sgt thinks I'm shoveling snow this Winter hahaha well I'm just not, orange plastic shovel or not!)....taking the trash out ( it sucked, I lived in a row house, so I had to carry my garbage from out back through my house and out the front door)....the noisy neighbors and their barking dogs (yes, I had a fence, which stopped them from shitting in my yard but they would come watch me through the fence cracks and bark at me insanely)....street parking ....the neighbors LOUD ghetto car that he use to drive around the block at 1 am....(ASSHOLE) the neighbors that use to yell at their young children with all kinds of $%#@#$...(I called the cops so many times on these idiots, yup idiots if you're reading this, it was me!) I'm sure there are many more things I don't miss about where I use to live. There is always a yin and a yang with every picture.
New readers might not know....but the old ones still hanging around out there will know...
My DeluxeVille kitchen went from this the first few months I lived there...
To this for many years....
Then ended up like this for the last year I lived there...
And of course there was the bathroom remodel...and the garden makeover front and back. So many projects and so many happy years of my life! To bad my renter who resides there now doesn't have my love of all things vintage....he's a boring beige kinda guy and it just doesn't look the same...but he keeps things very clean. He just has a problem paying rent on time! Oh the hassles of being a landlady.
Is this not just the most annoying pointless never ending post ever? At least there were pictures!
Is this not just the most annoying pointless never ending post ever? At least there were pictures!
*A common catch phrase used in the popular classic cartoon "Pepe Le Pew" of Looney Tunes.
I was wondering if you'd ever sold your house. Oh well, I guess it's good you still own it, in case you and your Sgt decide you ever want to move back to the city :)
ReplyDeleteHi there, a while back I emailed you about leaving your house, because I too had totally remodeled our home and sold it. I was feeling so sad because of all the work we put into it. I wanted to know if you felt the same way. This was before you had even moved or gotten married. Now I see this post, I feel for you it is really hard, when you invest so much time and love into a home, the people that bought our house are idiots and it is so dirty now and they decorated it super country white trash it's fabulous! It's been a year now since we sold so I put some photos up of what we did, like you, if you want to check them out, they are on my blog http://retrofashionismypassion.blogspot.com/ you can see all the hard work we put into the house and eventually sold for nothing. I do love our new home and I'm going to post photos of our 50's ranch. I agree with live in the now, it is great here!
ReplyDeleteTrina44....it's a weird feeling I have about things...I'm not emotionally distraught about moving in a new direction with my life but I do get home sick sometimes. In all honesty, I was thinking about selling my house to get a bigger single one before I met Sgt. I had the most awful white trash neighbors move 3 doors down from me, who were starting to make the neighborhood hell. I also ran out of yard space. :) Ya just never know what might happen in life!
Anon....well, where I lived before wasn't really "the city" it was just a small town but it did have sidewalks! A lot of home sellers who can't sell their homes are becoming landlords/landladies. I'm at least a lucky one and I'm not losing money! Some people are so over their heads they can't cover their mortgages with the rent. When the market gets better, I'll give it another go trying to sell it!
ReplyDeleteWe had an old farm house too, from what I've seen of your new place it already looks amazing. It's funny do you feel like you have to constantly be working on a project? Our new house really doesn't need too much renovating, but my husband and I are always like, what do we need to do next, new kitchen, soffits, facia etc. Old habits die hard. Thanks for checking out my blog it's a real honor to have you as a follower! I just love your blog.
ReplyDeleteWise words Mary! More people should embrace the here and now more! I loved Deluxeville - I think it gives vision to anyone who moves into a crappy house that with hard work and vision it can look fabulous. I'm sure you'll do just as good a job with your new place in time :)
ReplyDeleteAww love this post...love the old pics of deluxeville... but ya know, this new house may need more work right now, but that just means its got more potential! In my mind, I'd rather something need a LOT of work, so I can do it my way, than something thats in good shape but kind of meh, so I don't have to feel bad about doing it all over!
ReplyDeleteI'm in the middle of renovating my own little farmhouse and I can feel your pain! The worst is knowing that when you're done it will be such a cute, lovely little house, but it takes so long to get there. Stay strong and it will turn out!
me to I had to leave my first house renovated ahead of time to move 300 km away, with all my furniture right !!!!, is a year that are in the new house, before entering we redid the plan below, but the jobs are many and i do not see the end ..... but it's always a surprise when i open the boxes see objects that do not remember ...Oh, Mary, I'm sure you'll get great results in your Simple Acre...and I look forward to seeing the results ;)
ReplyDeletebye bye
Hey, I hear Lady Gaga is looking for a pad near there- she might be the perfect fit for Deluxeville! And I'm sure the neighbors would love that! ;)
ReplyDeleteI loved Deluxeville, I would have lived there in a shot! Also wise words about living in the here and now, I've personally had a shitty year however I've learnt a lot from it and although I wish it hadn't have happened I'm wiser having lived through it AND as ever I'm happy :0)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you wrote this. Sometimes a fond look back at the past is rose-colored.