A few wedding pictures. If you look closely you will see the uneven hem of my dress. I picked the dress up from the dry cleaners and when I put it on, discovered they shrank the top layer of my dress.
BOO!!! Oh well what can a gal do but wear the dress anyway! No time to fix it, no use cryin over spilled milk, on with the show!!! And what a show we gave the tiny town of Belvidere! An easy, quick ceremony on the Belvidere Court House steps, turned into people watching out the court house windows and slowing down as they walked by us. If you want to visit a tiny town that has amazingly huge Victorian houses and cute small town charm...well,
Belvidere NJ is just the town for you. We impressed the court house staff with our vintage style and easy going attitude. Most people they see come in to get married wearing jeans and a t-shirt, so we were a nice change of pace for them. Really?! Just because you're having a court house ceremony doesn't mean you still shouldn't look nice! Oh well, gone are the days of people actually dressing up to leave their house. These are probably the people who go grocery shopping in their PJ's or with the word juicy printed on their ass. To each their own I guess!

Thinking about making a run for it....

been caught thinking about making a run for it.

The Sgt

On the steps of the Belvidere Court House...yup three tiny little steps it had!! :-) Actually there's a sign in front of the court house stating that back in the day, they use to hang people right on that spot. What a great spot to get married on. Hope it brings us luck!


MaryDeluxe & The Sgt
Thank you for all your comments of congratulations! As many of you know, I've waited a long time and had the not so nice pleasure of riding on a lot of bad bus routes before finding my golden ticket. The Sgt has also had his own share of bad bus riders. We consider ourselves very lucky that by some twist of fate, our paths happened to cross and we found each other. We both look forward to our future together and all the fun projects we have waiting for us around the simple acre! What can I really say other then....On with the show!