What's a girl to do when she comes for a weekend visit to the country cottage to find her fabulous boyfriend has painted the garage doors atomic minty green???

Well if you're MaryDeluxe, you do a jump for joy! Yay for atomic minty green and a fella who loves a bit of color in his life! Now that I'm looking at this picture, I'm so not impressed with how high I was able to jump...I swear in my head I was 6 feet off the ground but apparently reality is a cruel bitch because I'm more like 6 inches off the ground! Actually, I'm not jumping at all...I'm levitating!

I also spent some time Sunday helping the Fab-Fella lay out the walking path. Yes boys and girls, MaryDeluxe got stoned! Don't judge!

Atomic minty green doors and a turquoise 1955 Pontiac Safari is a great back drop for a silly girl to do some silly posing! What, me silly? PPPlease silly is my middle name.

The Fab-Fella also added some rebar legs to "Pinky" the vintage cement lawn flamingo we found at auction. It's rare to find vintage lawn ornaments that haven't gotten broken over the years and with their original paint too! Sorry bun wearing hipster guy, it just wasn't your vintage cement lawn flamingo day. Sorry not sorry!

Here I am showing off my awesome summertime farmer tan. Perhaps the Fab-Fella and I can put some projects aside for one weekend and spend some time down at the sea shore? A girl can dream can't she!
P.S. Messy hair don't care!