If you've been a long time reader, you are already very aware of how much I love Summertime! LOVE IT!!!! I garden...that's what I do. I've been spending lots of my free time at my fella's place in the country that I playfully refer to as "my place in the country"! I get tired of being in the "big city" all the time and I often escape to my place in the country! LOVE IT! He usually just smiles and looks at me adoringly. What can I say, I'm a bit sassy and he loves it!

~Homegrown Blueberry and Zucchini Muffins~
These were so good that I ate to many of em and made myself sick...after being so good with the Whole30 my system was like WTF did you just do. Lesson learned.

These were so good that I ate to many of em and made myself sick...after being so good with the Whole30 my system was like WTF did you just do. Lesson learned.

~Vintage Fruit Salad Cotton Sundress~
I've had this dress for like ever and thanks to my healthy new lifestyle over the last 6 months, I'm wearing it again with room to spare. Just in time for Summer!

I have high hopes for this 1957 Liberty trailer. But for now the front porch is a shady spot to lounge when I'm at my country home on the weekends. I see a Trailer Tramps Clubhouse in my future. Anyone wanna be in my Trailer Tramps Gang?

What can I say....I love color and vintage Ray-Ban sunnies!
A vintage hammock score made by my honey. I lounged, he worked! Perfect!

The vintage bungalow front porch got spiffy this Summer. I found the glider and chair at an auction this Spring and just had to have it for the country house!

On the other side of the front porch you can find the 1930's porch swing I picked up on a junkyard outing I went on with the fella. He was looking for car parts, I wasn't even looking but I can spot good junk anywhere....I said hello front porch and he said awesome! He picked out the paint color, I painted it and he hung it up. The perfect team!

The country house cottage got new cedar shingles this Summer and new flower beds!

I also scored big at my favorite local greenhouse's parking lot sale!

~Country house succulents~

Lots of good music has been listened to this Summer when I visit the cottage! I have now added looking for old records at flea markets and thrift shops to my list of things I keep an eye out for.
Lots more Summer fun yet to come!
See ya soon!