For my Mom....who reads my blog! Love you Mom!
The 40's....

My Mom was George and Fran's 3rd child. Fran's sister holding my Mom..

Mom, I know you will hate this but I always know it's you in old pictures because of your glasses. I also know you secretly hate all my cat eyeglasses because you hated wearing yours when you were a teen....if only you knew how cool us gals all think you looked in your glasses!
Onto the 70's..... because that's when you had me...your favorite daughter....shhh lets not tell Michele..our secret!

Remember that old 70's Nova and how you got so pissed off at those stupid seat belts because we would always get tripped up on them when climbing in the back seat that you took a pair of scissors and cut them out?? Hell, who needs seat belts and safety when you have "The Mom Arm" that would automatically go across your chest when ever there would be an unexpected need to apply the breaks. This must be a genetic thing as I also am predisposed to having "The Mom Arm" and I'm not even a Mom!

Here's yours truly, my brother, my Mom, and "that kid". I was a flower girl in my aunt's wedding. I liked the part about being the flower girl and carrying the basket of flowers but I didn't care much for "that kid". Remember how you MADE me hold his hand even though I didn't want to Mom?

See look...there's you MAKING me hold "that kid's" hand! I'm still traumatized over this Mom.

Remember that old 70's Nova and how you got so pissed off at those stupid seat belts because we would always get tripped up on them when climbing in the back seat that you took a pair of scissors and cut them out?? Hell, who needs seat belts and safety when you have "The Mom Arm" that would automatically go across your chest when ever there would be an unexpected need to apply the breaks. This must be a genetic thing as I also am predisposed to having "The Mom Arm" and I'm not even a Mom!

Here's yours truly, my brother, my Mom, and "that kid". I was a flower girl in my aunt's wedding. I liked the part about being the flower girl and carrying the basket of flowers but I didn't care much for "that kid". Remember how you MADE me hold his hand even though I didn't want to Mom?

See look...there's you MAKING me hold "that kid's" hand! I'm still traumatized over this Mom.
The 2000's