Thursday, February 26, 2009

I've had a really tough week this week and I'm so happy to see Friday finally getting here. I've been doing a lot of thinking recently. Thinking about my life and what I want it to be. I have a really stressful job, I'm a HS art teacher for an urban school district.... 90% of students are eligible for free or reduced lunches. 90% of students are ethnic minorities. We are also a failing school as determined by no child left behind. I have a tough job and I can tell some good stories. I get so emotionally drained at times from my job and these past two weeks have been extremely bad. I hope I can last till June. I just don't know how much longer I can take the abuse not only from the kids but also from the administrators. It's bad enough dealing with the type of cliental that we have but when you also have such low moral among the teachers and an unorganized administration, it really makes a person feel like the Walmart greeter probably has a more rewarding career then you do. Add to that some more verbal abuse thrown in by someone in my personal life and I can honestly say that I have had enough crap these past two weeks to last me for the rest of the year. So, from this day forward I am no longer taking any more crap....from crap door is closed.... and please do not leave a flaming bag on my front porch, ring the doorbell and run away! This is an old trick that I know quite well.... there's nothing but flaming crap in your bag and I refuse to be the one to stamp it out.

Oh BTW, do you see how I tricked you all with my picture??? I bet you thought I was gonna tell some awesome story about my living room chair or something .....and really all you got was a rant about crap!


  1. Man, that's the pits! My husband and I are both teachers, so when I say I understand, I DO. The emotional drain, the hits to your confidence, enthusiasm and pride.... I bet that despite the lack of support, you are a great teacher, and that you are really important to some of your students. I hope you hang in there, if that's what you want/need to do. I quit after 5 years in a low-income elementary school when I thought I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown! Don't let it get that bad. On the other hand, your blog, your writing, photos and your home are just as cheery and wonderful as can be!

  2. That totally sucks and I hope your week ends well. I like your chair! :0)

  3. Ugh, I'm sorry to hear that you are having a real crapfest of a time at work right now.

    I love the picture of your living room chair!

  4. I'm sorry that so many things aren't going right. I hope things look up soon.

  5. first let me say scream all you is your life and kitten do whatcha like...find some me time...give a lil'kitten on the other note...thank you for all you do...just think of the inspiration that those kids don't have and how you probably are the only inspiration they have in their make a difference! cat

  6. Thanks for all your wonderful well wishes everyone!

    The weekend has come along and made me feel so much better!

  7. I am so with you- I am sooooooo over work right now. I work in welfare so am feeling your pain!
