Friday, July 30, 2010

Before and After...

Okay, I'll stop picking on "Sgt." (sorry about that sgt, i couldn't help myself...i have an extreme lacking of self restraint!) and get back to more before and after pics!

Living Room Befores:

Okay, Jerry ripped out the floor of a bedroom to create a loft...but his design sense was once again a wee bit half assed. If you look out from the loft you will see there are two corner tables on either side of the large window and a wooden plank that runs across the floor beams?? Hmmm there was also a dark stained wooden rail that ran beside the wooden planks to prevent someone from falling...I took that out right away because it blocked the window. WTF Jerry?? The only way to get out there on to the wooden planks was if you walked on the narrow wooden floor beams and hopped over the, WTF Jerry. The cats however, loved it and it was like a jungle gym for them! What's the pint of ripping out a floor if you're just gonna enclose it again with more crap.

Okay, looking down from the loft you saw a built in entertainment storage unit around the front window. Cool but made the tiny living room even tinier and you guessed it..DEMO!

I took it all out and really opened up the space! I mean did I really need to crawl out on a floor beam and sit on a corner shelf anyway?? Nope!



Isn't it amazing what a little paint and demo can do!


  1. You are one talented cookie! ;) Your house looks lovely!!

  2. I love your house, it gives me so much inspiration for my own flat!

  3. wow, its like you had an indoor juliette balcony with now way to get to it. in these old houses i always wonder why people do odd things when they renovate. Like one house near me had a guest bedroom added on in the 1960s... the door to the guest bedroom is IN the master bedroom. how akward!

  4. Please don't stop posting your renovations they are so interesting! Your house is really one to be envied!

  5. Omg I'm in LOVE! So much inspiration! Every time I see a different photo of your house I'm in even more awe! You did an INCREDIBLE job and I'm in vintage heaven just looking at it! Love the colors of the living room and that peak of green coming from the kitchen! Mind if I ask where you scored those awesome floating light fixtures?

  6. I don't even know you, but I am so proud of you. How great that you saw the potential that house had. Amazing,

  7. Another testament to vision and positive thinkin'!
    Painting the upstairsminusthefloor section had to be a kick-in-the-head while hanging the upstairminusthefloorwindow drapes must have been a hoot as well!
    Magazine quality photos once again.


  8. Thank you all for your comments! I've worked really hard and it's nice to know that what I've been doing over the last 8 years inspires so many of you! That makes me super happy to hear! :-)

    Decades....Thanks...IKEA many years ago.

    Dina..thank you for the internet hug! :)

    Keith...Romeo, Romeo...where the hell are you?? ha!

    TofE...OMG I won't even begin to try to tell you about my mad gravity defying skills! Spider MaryDeluxe!!! hahaha

    Ruby...well, I'm running outta before pictures! haha

  9. I saw your kitchen post on SaucyDwellings. I just have to tell you how much I love those curtains in your living room. They're beautiful!

  10. oooh as I said before I LOVE before and after shots! These are fab, and really wtf was Jerry thinking, did he start something & think, mmm no that's not going to work, or did he think it worked?

    Anyway great job, love those colours too, we used to have that turquoise & pink combo in another house in the hallway, I loved it! It looks fabulous in your home and how in the hell did you hang those top curtains? Do you ever close them he he

  11. first off, like all the other comments: your house is so amazing!!!

    i've been curious about your kitchen floor, most of it is wood and then you have the checkered spot (which is so cute!) i was wondering how you did that. hopefully you haven't mentioned it in a post that i'm forgetting...

  12. Caroline..Thanks those are vintage 50's bark cloth curtains.

    STM... WTF Jerry had some really crazy design ideas. Some of them I have no way of undoing like for instance the stairs to the basement in the kitchen? WTF Jerry?? hahaha I open/close those curtains using a long painter's pole! My plan is to someday have remote control blinds.

    Bandita... The black and white tiles under the kitchen table are just adhesive peel and stick tiles I got at Lowes. I peeled them and stuck em.


  13. You are amazing! I'm loving these before and after posts - I've always loved seeing how things change and transform. =] (I even used to draw before and after pictures of people when I was little lol)
    -Andi x

  14. I found you from Saucy Dwellings and WOW!!!!! I simply adore everything you've done here!! I'm a vintage enthusiast as well :)

    Can you tell me what color you painted your living room? I absolutely adore it and want to sample it in one of my rooms :) Thanks!!
