Sunday, July 11, 2010

People Who Inspire Me.....

Hiya All! Busy, busy,busy here and one more week of grad class to go! Woohoo! I still haven't gotten close to finishing my kitchen back splash...Boo...who knew finding a way to cut glass tile was going to be so difficult? Lets just say I'm having a learning experience. Eventually it will get done and I will give ya'll a look see! But until then, I wanted to take a moment and do some random posts about people who inspire me in my life. I hope they inspire you too!

My Flickr friend: Mr and Mrs Atomic

Not only are they the cutest couple but they also happen to have some mad cool style! I met Mrs Atomic over on Flickr quite a few years ago. I lusted over her things and she lusted over was just meant to be that we should run across each other online. She's my west coast sister from another mother! I mean look what she has tattooed on her wrist...yes, that's right, that's my lamp Mr Sparkles...and yes, I name my lamps, so what! Mrs. Atomic loved my lamp so much she went out and found her very own, but in black. I promise Mrs. Atomic I will leave you Mr Sparkles in my will...that is if you can pry him outta my cold dead hands!

I love lamp!

Wait, I haven't told you all one of the best things about Mr. and Mrs Atomic...they live in an Eichler...with a pool!! Here's a little story about how they came about getting their hands on their mid-century dream.... To Alluring to Fail. Dreams are possible!! Below are a few pics of their mid-century Eichler....I wonder if they have a guest room??

Eichler Home

Eichler Home


Eichler Home

Lounge Redux

Some of their cool stuff!

Watercolor Desert

Thanks Karen!

Newest chair



Good old days

And.....If their house and all their cool mid-century pieces wasn't enough, something else I love about Mr. and Mrs. Atomic.... they go on the best kitschy roadside trips and take lots of drool worthy pictures! Texas, Palm Springs, Yellow Stone, Arizona....ya just never know where these two might pop up.. so keep your eyes peeled!

Mr. and Mrs. Atomic

So, I'm sending out a big THANK YOU to Mr. and Mrs. Atomic, for inspiring me over here in DeluxeVille!! Keep up the good work kids!!!!

*All pictures are copyrighted can find Ms.Atomic on flickr!


  1. I just spend at least 1/2 hr drooling through only some of those pics! So thanks for that!


  3. Three cheers! I love those kids! - and their amazing house and belongings. :)

  4. Thanks for sharing your friends and all their goodies. when I see homes like yours and theirs, I just want to move right in! COOL.

  5. Wow, as if I didn't have enough time drooling over your place- these folks look totally fab! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  6. Oh wow, they are actually living the dream. Drool....x

  7. I have been Flickr stalking for them for years. I love their flickr photos and I am extremely jealous of their stuff.

  8. GAH! I want I want I want!!!!!

    I think I need to go lie down now. Too much awesomeness...

  9. I LOVE them!!! And I am so proud -- I found those amazing Moss lamps at a local store, and Ms. Atomic went and got them. So I like to think I introduced a beautiful friendship. ;) And I can't think of better owners for those beauties than "The Atomics"!

    What a sweet post about truly sweet people.

  10. Thanks for sharing the link and photos - I am extremely envious of their fabulous home and everything in it!!!

  11. Oh My ! Oh My !!!! oh My !!!! fantastic house and fantastic owners !!!
    The tattoo is just perfect !!!!

  12. I'm glad to hear they've inspired you all too! They're the best!

    MaryDeluxe :)

  13. Oh I know the Atomics!!!! and I love them too!!!!! :)
